Incoming Data

Data obtained from manual polling or webhooks is available through a set of DTO, under the DefStudio\Telegraph\DTO\ namespace:


contains incoming data (a message or a callback query)

  • ->id() incoming update_id
  • ->message() (optional) an instance of Message
  • ->messageReaction() (optional) an instance of Reaction
  • ->callbackQuery() (optional) an instance of CallbackQuery


  • ->id() chat_id
  • ->type() the chat's type (private, group, supergroup or channel)
  • ->title() the chat's title


  • ->id() incoming message_id
  • ->messageThreadId() unique identifier of a message thread
  • ->date() a CarbonInterface holding the message sent date
  • ->editDate() a CarbonInterface holding the message last edit date
  • ->text() the message text
  • ->protected() a boolean flag that states the message is protected from forwarding and download
  • ->from() (optional) an instance of User holding data about the message's sender
  • ->forwardedFrom() (optional) an instance of User holding data about a forwarded message's original sender
  • ->chat() (optional) an instance of Chat holding data about the chat to which the message belongs to
  • ->keyboard() (optional) an instance of DefStudio\Telegraph\Keyboard\Keyboard holding the message inline keyboard
  • ->replyToMessage() (optional) an instance of the original Message that the current message is replying
  • ->photos() (optional) a collection of Photo holding data about the contained image resolutions
  • ->animation() (optional) an instance of Photo holding data about the contained animation
  • ->audio() (optional) an instance of Audio holding data about the contained audio
  • ->document() (optional) an instance of Document holding data about the contained document
  • ->video() (optional) an instance of Video holding data about the contained video
  • ->location() (optional) an instance of Location holding data about the contained location
  • ->contact() (optional) an instance of Contact holding data about the contained contact data
  • ->voice() (optional) an instance of Voice holding data about the contained voical message
  • ->sticker() (optional) an instance of Sticker holding data about the contained sticker
  • ->entities() (optional) a collection of Entity holding data about the contained entity
  • ->newChatMembers() a collection of User holding the list of users that joined the group/supergroup
  • ->leftChatMember() (optional) an instance of User holding data about the user that left the group/supergroup
  • ->webAppData() (optional) incoming data from sendData method of telegram WebApp
  • ->writeAccessAllowed() (optional) an instance of WriteAccessAllowed holding data about the contained write access allowed data


  • ->id() incoming callback_query_id
  • ->from() (optional) an instance of the User that triggered the callback query
  • ->message() (optional) an instance of the Message that triggered the callback query
  • ->data() an Illuminate\Support\Collection that holds the key/value pairs of the callback query data


  • ->id() incoming message_id
  • ->chat() an instance of Chat holding data about the chat to which the message belongs to
  • ->actorChat() (optional) an instance of Chat holding data about the chat to which the chat on behalf of which the reaction was changed, if the user is anonymous
  • ->from() (optional) an instance of User holding data about the message's sender
  • ->oldReaction() a collection of ReactionType holding data about the contained reaction type resolutions
  • ->newReaction() a collection of ReactionType holding data about the contained reaction type resolutions
  • ->date() a CarbonInterface holding the message sent


  • ->type() type of the reaction
  • ->emoji() reaction emoji
  • ->customEmojiId() (optional) custom emoji identifier


  • ->id() user ID
  • ->isBot() marks if the user is a bot or a real user
  • ->firstName() user's first name
  • ->lastName() user's last name
  • ->userName() user's username
  • ->languageCode() user's language code
  • ->isPremium() user's premium status


  • ->id() file ID
  • ->duration() audio duration
  • ->title() (optional) audio title
  • ->filename() (optional) audio file name
  • ->mimeType() (optional) audio MIME type
  • ->filesize() (optional) audio file size in Bytes
  • ->thumbnail() (optional) an instance of the Photo that holds data about the thumbnail


  • ->id() file ID
  • ->width() animation width
  • ->height() animation height
  • ->duration() animation duration
  • ->filename() (optional) animation file name
  • ->mimeType() (optional) animation MIME type
  • ->filesize() (optional) animation file size in Bytes
  • ->thumbnail() (optional) an instance of the Photo that holds data about the thumbnail


  • ->id() file ID
  • ->filename() (optional) document file name
  • ->mimeType() (optional) document MIME type
  • ->filesize() (optional) document file size in Bytes
  • ->thumbnail() (optional) an instance of the Photo that holds data about the thumbnail


  • ->id() file ID
  • ->width() photo width
  • ->height() photo height
  • ->filesize() (optional) photo file size in Bytes


  • ->id() file ID
  • ->width() video width
  • ->height() video height
  • ->duration() video duration
  • ->filename() (optional) video file name
  • ->mimeType() (optional) video MIME type
  • ->filesize() (optional) video file size in Bytes
  • ->thumbnail() (optional) an instance of the Photo that holds data about the thumbnail


  • ->latitude() location latitude
  • ->longitude() location longitude
  • ->accuracy() (optional) location horizontal accuracy


  • ->phoneNumber() contact's phone number
  • ->firstName() contact's first name
  • ->lastName() (optional) contact's last name
  • ->userId() (optional) contact's telegram user ID
  • ->vcard() (optional) contact's vCard


  • ->id() file ID
  • ->duration() audio duration
  • ->mimeType() (optional) audio MIME type
  • ->filesize() (optional) audio file size in Bytes


  • ->id() file ID
  • ->type() sticker type (consult for available types)
  • ->width() sticker width
  • ->height() sticker height
  • ->isAnimated() true, if the sticker is animated
  • ->isVideo() true, if the sticker is a video sticker
  • ->emoji() (optional) emoji associated with the sticker
  • ->filesize() (optional) sticker file size in Bytes
  • ->thumbnail() (optional) an instance of the Photo that holds data about the thumbnail


  • ->type() type of the entity
  • ->offset() offset in UTF-16 code units to the start of the entity
  • ->length() length of the entity in utf-16 code units
  • ->url() (optional) for “text_link” only, URL that will be opened after user taps on the text
  • ->user() (optional) for “text_mention” only, the mentioned User
  • ->language() (optional) for “pre” only, the programming language of the entity text
  • ->customEmojiId() (optional) for “custom_emoji” only, unique identifier of the custom emoji


  • ->fromRequest() true, if the access was granted after the user accepted an explicit request from a Web App sent by the method requestWriteAccess
  • ->fromWebApp() a helper method that returns true if the access was granted when the Web App was launched from a link
  • ->webAppName() Name of the Web App, if the access was granted when the Web App was launched from a link
  • ->fromAttachmentMenu() true, if the access was granted when the bot was added to the attachment or side menu
  • ->isAllowed() true, if the user granted the bot write access to their account


  • ->id() inline query id
  • ->query() the query typed by the user after the bot's name
  • ->from() an instance of User holding data about the user that started the query
  • ->offset() offset of the results to be returned, can be controlled by the bot
  • ->chat_type() type of the chat, from which the inline query was sent. Can be either “sender” for a private chat with the inline query sender, “private”, “group”, “supergroup”, or “channel”. The chat type should be always known for requests sent from official clients and most third-party clients, unless the request was sent from a secret chat
  • ->location() (optional) an instance of Location containing sender location, only for bots that request user location.


This is a DTO for outgoing data, wraps info about the Gif result returned to the user


This is a DTO for outgoing data, wraps info about the Photo result returned to the user


This is a DTO for outgoing data, wraps info about the Contact result returned to the user


This is a DTO for outgoing data, wraps info about the Article result returned to the user


This is a DTO for outgoing data, wraps info about the Mpeg4Gif result returned to the user


This is a DTO for outgoing data, wraps info about the Video result returned to the user


This is a DTO for outgoing data, wraps info about the Audio result returned to the user


This is a DTO for outgoing data, wraps info about the Voice result returned to the user


This is a DTO for outgoing data, wraps info about the Document result returned to the user


This is a DTO for outgoing data, wraps info about the Location result returned to the user


represents an invite link for a chat.

  • ->inviteLink() the invite link. If the link was created by another chat administrator, then the second part of the link will be replaced with “…”
  • ->creator() an instance of User represents a creator of the link
  • ->createsJoinRequest() true, if users joining the chat via the link need to be approved by chat administrators
  • ->isPrimary() true, if the link is primary
  • ->isRevoked() true, if the link is revoked
  • ->name() (optional) invite link name
  • ->expireDate() (optional) point in time (Unix timestamp) when the link will expire or has been expired
  • ->memberLimit() (optional) The maximum number of users that can be members of the chat simultaneously after joining the chat via this invite link; 1-99999
  • ->pendingJoinRequestsCount() (optional) number of pending join requests created using this link
  • ->subscriptionPeriod() (optional) the number of seconds the subscription will be active for before the next payment
  • ->subscriptionPrice() (optional) the amount of Telegram Stars a user must pay initially and after each subsequent subscription period to be a member of the chat using the link


represents a join request sent to a chat.

  • ->chat() an instance of Chat to which the request was sent
  • ->from() an instance of User that sent the join request
  • ->userChatId() identifier of a private chat with the user who sent the join request. This number may have more than 32 significant bits and some programming languages may have difficulty/silent defects in interpreting it. But it has at most 52 significant bits, so a 64-bit integer or double-precision float type are safe for storing this identifier. The bot can use this identifier for 5 minutes to send messages until the join request is processed, assuming no other administrator contacted the user.
  • ->date() date the request was sent in Unix time
  • ->bio() (optional) bio of the user
  • ->inviteLink() (optional) an instance of ChatInviteLink that was used by the user to send the join request
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Last updated 22 February 2025